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The Story Behind MJM

Hi, I'm Megan, the founder of MJM home fragrance and proud mummy of two little ones.  Prior to my journey into the world of candle making I worked in the events industry, in Edinburgh, Scotland, which I guess is where the story begins.

During the crazy time that was covid-19, I was on maternity leave with our son Zac. Being a first time mum, living in what was, a strange an unpredictable time, I decided I wanted to try something that could distract my mind a little of an evening. I asked my husband to buy me a candle making kit for my birthday and to say I was hooked would be an understatement. Fast forward a number of months and it was time to think about going back to work, however, in a now, very different landscape for the events industry.  Long-story short my current position was made redundant and there came the opportunity to start a business of my own. 

Some things I didn't know about candle making, it's hard, it's time consuming, its expensive when you are first learning and there are a HUGE number of failed attempts before you get it right.  Despite all of this I loved it, I loved the challenge of perfecting a recipe, finding the right balance between a beautiful scent and a beautiful, safe burning candle. 

Some things I didn't know about starting your own business, it's hard, it's time consuming, it's expensive and a lot of the time, it's just you.  Even now I am still, maker, marketing manager, customer services, website design, IT, product development, finance etc. etc. But all of this gave me the opportunity to work around life as mummy to Zac.  Then in early 2022, our daughter Blake joined the fun. 

I know what your thinking, you started making candles in 2020, now it's 2022 and you still haven't launched your business?  That's right, I said it before, candle making is hard.  I'm a self-proclaimed perfectionist so it was really important to me that I learned as much as I could and that I was only taking products to market that i genuinely believed were great.  Even after all of that time, it was still a crazy rush right at the end (multiple 4am finishes) to prep for our launch weekend in October 2022, with our first ever pop-up taking place on Rose street in Edinburgh. 

There we are, I made it, I've launched a business and am fulfilling orders across the UK. But wait what could make it more fun, yep, an international relocation. In March 2023 my husband and I made the decision we were moving and by August 2023 we had moved ourselves, the kids and a 20ft container worth of belongings to the UAE.  This time with a little more experience and some tried and tested products under my belt, I launched in Dubai in October 2023. 

I still consider both the UK and UAE sides of the business to be extremely new and very much a work in progress.  However the reasons I started MJM Home Fragrance remain the same, I absolutely love designing and making my products, the care and attention to detail that goes into each one is because I really do enjoy what I am doing. Secondly the crazy crazy juggle that is being a mum with my own business, is so worth it, when it allows you to be there for the special moments. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey, long may it continue,  Megan x